KissKissBankBank, the record breaking platform

🇪🇺 Bob Lennon: European record broken with 1.83 million euros collected

See the project
Bob Lennon les aventures du Pyro-Barbare

🇫🇷 First wellness fundraiser and pre-sales record: a double for

See the project produits de salle de bain à recharger

🇫🇷 🚙 The record for the largest amount collected in 24 hours by the Vilebrequin YouTube channel

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Le Multipla de Vilebrequin

🇫🇷 🎞 Tomorrow, the film: largest amount collected in crowdfunding for a documentary

See the project
Demain le film

🇫🇷🗞Zadig, the mag: the medium that has united the most

See the project
Zadig le mag

🇫🇷 🎻 Donate for Demos: the most supported educational project

See the projects
Donnons pour demos

🇫🇷 ⛵️Jean le Cam on his way to the Vendée Globe 2016: a record for the world of sport

See the project
Jean le Cam Vendée Globe 2016